Thursday, October 21, 2004

A Mom's life....

I would say I have had a rather different week this week....

We got snow, it's seems we went from beautiful fall to WINTER over night. I don't know why I always complain about winter, I live in Canada, it is inevitable winter will come!! Actually, I complain about summer too, too hot. Fall is so beautiful but short. I guess I'm just never satisfied!! LOL God sure must have a hard time with us humans, if we could just make up our minds!! LOL

So anyway, due to the snow and icy roads I missed my ladies Bible study. Emily also had a cold so that gave me a little extra excuse. I then spent my morning reformatting my computer and downloading a new virus scanner and all the other upgrades that were necessary. FUN.... Tuesday afternoon had another new event - I taught my first voice lesson!! I'm not sure how this is going to work, as I have never taken voice myself. But I am up for the challenge. Phew, Tuesday was a busy day!

Yesterday was play group, always a good time.

So that brings us to today. Today I got a new alternator put in my truck....I'm sure I should be able to sell that truck for a fortune for all the new parts I have put in it!! Really though we have put a lot of kms on it and we are thankful for it. It would be a long walk to town!! 44 kms.

Darryl starts his second term at welding school on Monday. I am going to be here with the kids alone for 8 weeks!! That sounds worse than it really is, he will be home on weekends. I am planning on using that time to get in shape, get my house organized, and scrapbook. I think that, with 2 kids should keep me busy enough.

Well I guess that's all for today. I hope you guys are enjoying my chattering. It's nice to know we are keeping in touch even if it's not the traditional way.

1 comment:

Erica said...

It seems we can take the simplest task, add two kids to the activity and *poof*, it takes 5X as long to do.
Its exponential growth!