Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Car Salesmen!!

This past Saturday was just insane!! We went to Grande Prairie because we had some errands to do. One such errand took us to a car dealership (not to buy a car, but to have car seat anchors installed). So here we are at the dealership with an hour to waste. What do we do walk around...Big mistake!! We ended up going over to the used car lot so Darryl could drool over Hummers, inside there was a 2005 Corvette and a Hummer, so of course we go in. Mistake #2. The dealer was just coming out as we were about to go through the door. It so happends he was our neighbor 5 years ago. We mention to him that we will need something more economic when Darryl has his ticket. Mistake #3. We ended up looking at a car, really nice, excellent deal, bad time for us. Once they get you into their office you are in big trouble!! So, 4 hours later, with 2 tired and grouchy kids we finally left the dealership!!! Darryl was so tempted, as I said it was an excellent deal, but for us the timing was ALL wrong! We then just went home, didn't get groceries, or a Christmas tree, I was just exhausted. It was horrible.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Re: your comment on the blog.
I think crafting can pay for itself but it depends on what you make. I think its harder to make smaller things pay than bigger things.
Also you have to consider if you like doing it or if you're expecting to pay for your time.
Usually it pays for both, but you need a place to get your materials pretty cheap if you want to make a decent profit.