Monday, March 14, 2005

Oh man It's been a while....

So, my hopes of doing this on a regular basis have definitely NOT happened!! I have really gotten into a good routine, but blogging doesn't seem to be on that list.

I have been impressed I have managed to get up with David everyday for quite some time now.....okay that might not sound like a feat to some of you but you have to understand something, my son is usually up before 6:30. I get up and do my Bible reading, while the house is relatively quiet. I have been reading through the Bible, I am learning so much from this reading and the ladies Bible study I go to.

I have also been working out regularly, 5 times a week (during kids nap time) for 2 months now. I have only lost 4 pounds but I am sure I have lost inches, I can wear pants that I couldn't fit into a few weeks ago. The best thing is that Darryl notices the difference.

Emily had her first birthday on the 10th, where did that time go??? She can say Mama, Dada, and Hi. She is also pulling herself up on furniture or just up on her hands and feet on the floor. She and David are quite a pair, they are starting to really play together.

David turned 3 on the 9th of January. I turned into a bit of Martha Stewart that day, I made a tractor cake!! It was a huge success, he loved it!!

Well, David seems to be having a bit of a meltdown, because he can't climb up on his "mountain" aka vertical mattress. Oh, apparently it is now a slide. What an imagination.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!
Glad you found your way back.
A tractor cake, eh?
That's very ambitious of you!