This is my husband, my lover, my best friend. Today he turns 34. He is amazing. Not only does he have a GREAT body, beautiful blue eyes, and a fantastic smile. He is loving, gentle, caring, funny, hard working, smart, and a great dad. Everyone who meets Darryl likes him right away. He has a way about him that makes people comfortable, he'll either tell you a funny joke he's heard or tease you like you've known each other for years.
When Darryl and I met, I thought he would make a great friend. The day we met we were playing beach volleyball giving each other a hard time. At the end of the day my summary was "a great guy like my friend Dave Dube". Well 10 days later we were dating. Then about 5 days after that he started talking about marriage. YIKES!
When the time came for Darryl to meet my family I knew he was the right one. He fit into my family better than I did! He was able to tease my sister and passed the test with my "brother with the guns". My Grandma Burdick said that sitting across from Darryl reminded her of sitting across from Lynn, my Grandfather that I never met. After we were married one of my dad's old friends even said that Darryl reminded him of my dad at 20.
We have been married now for almost 12 years. I still fall for that impish smile and twinkle in his eye when he's done something and waiting for a reaction. I love watching him with our children, giving them all hugs when he gets home or leaves for work.
Darryl has impressed me many times in our years of marriage. The way that he can play volleyball, his pride being ACAC champions 2 years at RDC. When we met he didn't know anything about mechanics or building or fixing things, now he can fix just about anything. He's proved to be very handy, and able to learn anything. He's gone to college twice receiving honours or close to honours each time. He is a very hard worker, I never have to wake him for work. That also makes him a good provider, it wouldn't matter what job it was he would do it if that's what it took to provide for his family. Just recently he made a change from welding to QC, the learning curve was STEEP. He has proved himself more than capable, it's great to hear from his superiors that he is doing an excellent job.
I never really had a list of traits that I was looking for in a husband. I knew that I wanted someone like my dad. I pray that Emily is watching her own dad and seeing what a great man he is and will look for someone like him; and that my boys will grow up to be like him.
Darryl, I don't know if you'll take the time to read this or not, but I love you so much. You were a really nice guy when we met, but grew into an amazing man. Happy Birthday!