Friday, March 06, 2009

Getting this figured out...

I used to have a blog, before they changed to needing a Google account. It took a while but I managed to link my old account to the new one. PHEW!

I know I haven't blogged for a LONGGGGGG time, but I figured it might be good. I don't keep a journal, and really need to keep up with what happens with my kids everyday. They are so much fun. (Speaking of, Emily and her friend Cadence just walked through the room saying they were looking for husbands!) I really need to remember these days, before I know it they will be teenagers.

So, I know I've said this before, but I'm going to try and blog.....

1 comment:

Scrapnqueen said...

YAY! for blogging! You'll be glad you did. I can't believe some of the stuff that I've forgotten already when I actually have time to go through old posts. Keep it up, girlfriend!